This sample meal plan is for women aged 19-50 years of average height, healthy weight and light activity.

Daily meal plan for women detailing the food items, portion sizes, and their contributions to different food groups.
Meal / Food Weight / portion size Food group and number of serves
Wholegrain breakfast cereal, with reduced
fat milk
60g cereal
1 cup (250ml) reduced fat milk
2 grain serves
1 milk/yoghurt/cheese serve
Reduced fat yoghurt 100g yoghurt ½ milk/yoghurt/cheese serve
Morning break
Coffee with milk 200ml (small coffee) ¼ milk/yoghurt/cheese serve
Sandwich with salad and chicken 2 slices bread
40g chicken
1 teaspoon margarine
1 cup salad vegetables
2 grain serves
½ meat and/or alternatives serve
5g unsaturated spread (½ serve)
1 vegetable serve
Apple 1 medium 1 fruit serve
Afternoon break
Unsalted nuts 30g 1 meat and/or alternatives serve
Coffee with milk 200ml (small coffee) ¼ milk/yoghurt/cheese serve
Evening meal
Pasta with beef mince and red kidney beans, tomato and green salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing 1 cup of cooked pasta
65g cooked mince
¼ cup kidney beans
1½ medium tomato
½ onion
2 cups green leafy salad
2 teaspoon unsaturated oil
2 grain serves
1 meat and/or alternative serve
1½ vegetable serve
½ vegetable serve
2 vegetable serves
14g unsaturated oil (2 serves)
Evening snack
Plums and reduced fat yoghurt 1 cup stewed plums
100g yoghurt
1 fruit serve
½ milk/yogurt/cheese serve

More sample meal plans