Nutrients and dietary energy calculator
Filtered by age & gender
In addition to the requirements in the table below, pregnant women of all ages need:
- 1st trimester – no additional energy requirements
- 2nd trimester – additional 1.4 MJ/day
- 3rd trimester – additional 1.9 MJ/day
In addition to the requirements in the table below lactating women of all ages need an additional 2.0–2.1 MJ/day.
Gender | Age guidea,b | Ref weight (kg)c | Ref height (m) | BMR (MJ/day)d | PAL 1.2e | PAL 1.4e | PAL 1.6e | PAL 1.8e | PAL 2.0e | PAL 2.2e |
Gender | Age guidea,b | Ref weight (kg)c | eeR (kJ/day) |